Small Menorahs for Bar/Bat Mitzvah/New Born
Small Menorahs for Bat/Bar Mitzvah/New Born events, come in a various range of sizes and shapes. Order your selected Menorah now and get it up to 10 business days.
Which gift would you like to give?
Useful gifts
Usually, the Hanukkah Menorah is received with marriage. The young groom chooses a Hanukkah Menorah for himself, which then serves him and his family for life. However, in most communities, boys who passed the age of thirteen are obligated to light Hanukkah candles on their own. Even before the age of mitzvot, many families tend to have children light Hanukkah candles from an early age, as an educational practice.
For these years when candle lighting is required, but there is no permanent Hanukkah Menorah just yet – small Hanukkah Menorahs are a useful gift. Since no one really likes lighting candles in a colorful plastic Hanukkah Menorah (well, perhaps the young children are delighted to do so). Therefore, Small Hanukkah Menorahs given at a bar mitzvah or childbirth is a perfect solution.
Luxurious gifts
Both a newborn baby and a Bar Mitzvah boy receive many gifts. A little baby receives clothes, hats, blankets, toys, and rattles. A bar mitzvah boy receives various books and gifts.
But if you really want to surprise the receiver with an interesting gift that will make him really excited and really happy, or you just want to pamper him a Hanukkah Menorahs is a luxurious timeless gift.
Hadad Pure Silver’s Little Hanukkah Menorahs
Haddad pure silver offers small Hanukkah Menorahs in a huge variety of designs and prices. Browse the Little Hanukkah Menorahs Gallery on their website and enjoy the huge selection of little Hanukkah Menorahs.
Even when it comes to small Hanukkah Menorahs, there is still a range of sizes
That’s right, they all meet the definition of little Hanukkah Menorahs. But while some are particularly compact and look like mini–Hanukkah Menorahs, other Hanukkah Menorahs look like classic ones – of course, in relatively modest proportions. Usually, the price of the Hanukkah Menorah corresponds directly with its size. A smaller piece can be especially suitable for those who want to move the Hanukkiah around, for example, between home and the Yeshiva.
Small Hanukkah Menorahs and considering the small details
Haddad pure silver’s artists make each Hanukkiah with love, thinking about every detail. There is no design element that is overlooked, no unnecessary decoration. Every detail is significant for the design, each small dot affects the final appearance. Every Hanukkiah is a work of art.
Hanukkah Menorahs are designed in a variety of styles and combinations between different styles. Our goal is for everyone to find a Hanukkiah designed exactly according to their own taste. If you are buying a little Hanukkah Menorah as a gift, you might want to think about who’s going to get it. Yes, the newborn has no real taste yet and that’s why it’s better to choose something classic that speaks to everyone. If you know what his parents’ Hanukkah Menorah looks like – you can match the Hanukkiah you will buy to the one his parents own.
When buying a small Hanukkah Menorah for a Bar Mitzvah boy, try to choose one that suites his developing personal taste. It will give him a sense of importance and make the gift really special for him.
Small Hanukkah Menorahs – in all types of prices
Even if you want to purchase a fancy Hanukkah Menorah for a young boy or purchase a simple affordable model– you will find what you want here.
Hadad pure silver’s small Hanukkah Menorahs gallery features heritage-made Hanukkah Menorahs made from high-quality copper with a thick, strong silver coating. Our heritage tools are made with unique silver bath table technology, a technology developed by the Hadad brothers. This technique provides a highly durable coating. Heritage tools can be cleaned like regular silverware, and speaking of gifts, they can be etched with a personal engravement.
The prices of small Hanukkah Menorahs made of pure silver start at a rate of 1700 NIS.
Little Hanukkah Menorahs are an unforgettable gift for a bar mitzvah boy and a newborn child. So, if you want to pamper, rejoice, excite and give a gift of a lifetime – this is the choice for you. Choose from Haddad pure silver’s variety, according to your taste and budget. May you will always gift such wonderful gifts!